Join the Run!

The East Coast Northern route will take off
from NYC July 4th. We
anticipate a 2-3 week run from NY to GA-
about 1000 miles. We run75-100 miles a day between 10-12 runners or more. Our route will travel through the following states:
7/4 GW Bridge to Furlong,PA (near Trenton)
7/5 Nanticoke Lenape Reservation, NJ
7/6 Baltimore MD
7/7 Piscataway Nation, Ft. Washington MD
7/8 Washington,DC/REST
7/9 Rappahannock Tribal Nation, VA
GEORGIA- Sweet Water Creek State Park
Site of Taino Petroglyphs/Reunion
Both Native and Non-Native People who are committed to the preservation of Native American culture and the protection of Mother Earth are invited to participate.
All Runners must supply the Elders Council with a letter of sponsorship from their tribe or community for approval.
All communities must sponsor and fund raise for their runners return home.
We welcome you to the run please contact the coordinator of your region in our CONTACTS section and introduce yourself!
Also check out our events page for community runs, fundraisers and regional meeting
updates- EVENTS
The East Coast route is being developed with the hope of more participation from East Coast tribal nations
Please CONTACT us if you would like to be a part of the run or can assist us as we come through your area.
Runners who wish to continue on to the final prayer site in PANAMA will merge with the all of the routes
in San Antonio Texas. Please contact Vanessa Quezada at TEXAS PEACE AND DIGNITY