The Prophecy
Peace and Dignity Journeys emerged from the first Continental Encounter of Indigenous Pueblos and Nations in Quito, Ecuador (1990). At Quito a mandate for the unification of all Indigenous
Peoples from throughout the continent was declared under the sacred principle of the Eagle and the Condor. The prophesy of the Eagle and the Condor is the foundation of the Peace and Dignity Journeys. Every four years since 1992, spiritual runners from Indigenous Nations have carried the sacred staffs of the Eagle and the Condor to thousands of Indigenous communities throughout the western hemisphere. Peace and Dignity Journeys are spiritual runs that embody the prophecy of the Eagle and Condor. This prophecy mandates that at this time all Indigenous Peoples in the Western Hemisphere shall be reunited in a spiritual way in order to heal our nations so we can begin to work towards a better future for our children and generations to come. Through the Journeys, participant runners and supporters work to accomplish this goal by helping each other reconnect to their respective spiritual practices and traditions; by helping each other relearn our role in the world as Indigenous Peoples; and by reminding each other of our responsibilities to Mother Earth, our communities and ourselves.
Hawk Medicine
The Route of the Red Tail Hawk
In 2010 the first Island of the Caribbean region to join the circle of indigenous nations in this sacred endeavor was Boriken (Puerto Rico). With the blessings of our Elders the sacred staff of our people was introduced into the Peace and Dignity Journeys. This was a spiritually significant moment in the present history of the Taino people. With the introduction of the sacred medicine of the Red Tail Hawk “the mediator", the circle was now complete.
Our staffs have since traveled in the Caribbean region, Canada, North, South and Central America. Caribbean runners participated in the Continental Run of 2012 Running from NYC to Guatemala.
In 2016 we will be embarking on an East Coast Route from New York to Georgia to join up with our relatives as we head down South. Please see The East Coast Route!
Abuelo Gustavo Gutierrez, respected Elder of Peace and Dignity Journeys.

PDJ 2008
Boriken 2011 - Second Island run